Meet Kimberly Almonte Lopez with Yard Love Hampton!
What did you do before starting your Yard Love business or what do you do along with
your business?
I work in corporate finance when I’m not staking yards.
Why did you start this business?
I started the business to fill a need in my community. When graduations went virtual last year, I was looking to help a friend with a sign for her daughter’s graduation and we could not find a vendor in our area.
What is your favorite trick of the trade that’s made your job easier?
Having a strong operations and transportation department… LOL, my husband! No, really, the trick is having amazing customer service. We may stake several yards during the week, but it is each customer’s only greeting and we have to make it special.
How do you usually market your business to get orders?
I run Facebook promotions from time to time and set up signs for local businesses to advertise. Also, we have a custom Yard Love branded car!
How do you handle busy weeks? Any tips?
We block an hour and a half for each set up to include travel. I love the scheduling app Setmore. It keeps us organized and has everything in one place. I can see the entire month, and in the weekly view each customer is listed with the address included. I can clearly see where we can and cannot add another set up.
What are the most signs you’ve set in one day? How did you plan for the busy day?
We had one day with seven set ups. We backed the signs in the car in order so they were easy to take out and each order was packed in order to just drop and stack.
Tell us about how you work with the other Affiliates in your area.
We work with Affiliates in our area often to provide signs if an order does not arrive in time. I also share when I am running specials so they are aware. We are close in proximity and we often have to refer customers to the right Affiliate. I talk to other Affiliates often. We stay in touch about what’s working or brainstorming ideas.
What is your favorite birthday sign to use?
My favorite is the gold sequin. It goes with any theme and really pops.
How do your customers choose their graphics?
Once I receive the order or call I ask them to tell me about the special person and then I share graphics that fit. I also send a mock-up of what we discussed.
What is your favorite sign that you’ve put up?
It was great to welcome back students at a local elementary school. The staff and parents won my contest and had the sign for a week.
What advice would you provide to someone getting started?
It takes time to get steady business. Don’t be afraid to do free signs to advertise and get your name out there. Find your way to organize and realize it will change as your business grows. Don’t be afraid to grow with your business.
Tell us a little about you and your family.
My husband runs operations and transportation and my daughter is over logistics. Since starting this business, my family and I have been blessed to spend more time together and have enjoyed the joy we’ve been able to bring to others and their families.